Your shopping cart is empty!
Generates QR codes for Woocommerce automatically and inserts them into every Woocommerce email, PDF invoice and POS receipt.
Also you can use QR Codes (Google API or QR Code Lib) anywhere in your blog, using Widget, using Tooltip, using Shortcode or even with a PHP function or in any other place.
== Description ==
Generates QR codes for Woocommerce orders automatically / dynamically and inserts them into every Woocommerce email, PDF invoice and POS receipt.
Also you can use QR Codes (Google API or QR Code Lib) anywhere in your blog, using Widget, using Tooltip, using Shortcode or even with a PHP function or in any other place.
QR code images also compatible with Gmail (not cutted).
<b>These plugins are already supported out of the box:</b>
WooCommerce (All order emails)
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips (Emails + Files)
Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer (Emails)
YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce (Receipts)
In accordance with current legal requirements (Due Covid-19 in some countries), we have created a standard customer data template:
The data for the template is generated dynamically based on the data from each order in WooCommerce.
At the same time, we left the opportunity for you to create QR codes based on your specified static data. Use one of 3 methods: shortcode, widget or tooltip.
Instructions for developers are provided to place QR codes inside any place in the template of your Wordpress-based website.
The dynamic data of the template is shown in brackets:
{Customer First Name} {Customer Family Name}
TOTAL AMOUNT {$39.10} - Total order amount from Woocommerce
VAT AMOUNT {$5.10} - Total Tax order amount from Woocommerce
VAT NUMBER {xxxxxxxx} (you can change it in admin: Goto Wordpress Admin -> Settings -> QR code Tag from Goaskle.com) -> Enter yours there
DATE {03/11/2021} - Order date (created) from Woocommerce
TIME {19:03} - Order time (created) from Woocommerce
{https://yourdomain.com} - Your domain where this Woocommerce order was created.
For example:
Anton Klimko
DATE 03/11/2021
TIME 19:03
For Woocommerce:
* Generates QR codes for Woocommerce automatically based on order
* Inserts them into every Woocommerce email, PDF invoice and POS receipt
* Attaching to email automatically
* QR code images also compatible with Gmail (visible).
* Support WooCommerce email templates (invoices, order notifications)
* Support WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin (showing inside PDF invoices and packing slips)
* Supports Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer plugin and its templates
* Supports YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce plugin and its email and PDF receipts
For any (Wordpress posts, pages, sidebars, widgets, tooltips, custom posts):
* Choose your QR Code generator: Google Chart API (online connection required) or QR Code Lib (included)
* Uses cURL if `allow_url_fopen` is disabled (Google Chart API)
* GIF, PNG or JPEG image output
* All QR Code images are cached
* Use as a Sidebar Widget
* Use the Shortcode `[qrcodetag]content[/qrcodetag]` within your posts
* Use the Tooltip mode `[qrcodetag tooltip="content"]some text[/qrcodetag]` within your posts
* Use the PHP function inside your own template
* "Best Read Mode" for optimized QR Code image size
* Works with PHP 7.3+ as well
* Works on symlinked plugin folders
* Available plugin admin interface languages: English, German
== Installation ==
1. Upload the full directory into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install it through the admin interface
2. Set write permissions for `/wp-content/plugins/qr-code-tag-goaskle-com/data` directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Admin area
4. Go to the settings page and change the default values (optional)
* PHP7 with GD Lib
* WordPress 3.8+
* Woocommerce 3.0+ (if you want to have QR codes attached to all your emails, PDF invoices and POS receipts)
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= What is a QR Code? =
Read <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_Code">Wikipedia QR Code article</a>.
= Will there be a PHP4 version? =
No. This plugin is based on OOP sytle which is not available in PHP4.
Please upgrade your PHP installation.
= Does it work with PHP 7.3? =
Yes it does.
= Does it work with PHP 8? =
Yes it does.
= Which image type should I choose? =
PNG is the preferred one. If you're concerned about very old browser, use GIF instead. Or JPEG.
= Which code generator should I choose? =
If you're on a webserver that disallows online connection from within php scripts, you should switch over to the QR Code Lib.
= There is a red image instead of the QR Code image. What's wrong? =
You're `/qr-code-tag-goaskle-com/data/` directory is _not writeable_. Please adjust
your permissions. See <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions">Changing File Permissions</a>.
= How to use the tooltip mode? =
See Plugin Help (below Plugin settings in your WordPress administration area).
= There is only a blank page for large posts with your plugin! Why? =
This is a PHP / WordPress problem. See <a href="http://www.undermyhat.org/blog/2009/07/sudden-empty-blank-page-for-large-posts-with-wordpress/">Sudden empty / blank page for large posts with WordPress</a> for problem description and solutions.
= The margin with the Google API differs from that one created by the QR Code Lib. Why? =
Google Chart API creates a different margin. I can't tell you why - ask Google.
= How I can check the generated QR Code? =
You can use the <a href="http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx">Google ZXing online service</a>
= Where I can download a barcode reader for my mobile device? =
* <a href="http://zxing.org/">http://zxing.org/</a>
* <a href="http://www.quickmark.com.tw/">http://www.quickmark.com.tw/</a>
* <a href="http://www.i-nigma.mobi/">http://www.i-nigma.mobi/</a>
* <a href="http://reader.kaywa.com/">http://reader.kaywa.com/ </a>
* <a href="http://get.neoreader.com/">http://get.neoreader.com/</a>
= The plugin is not available in (_put a language in here_). Why? =
Because no one translated it yet into this language. How about you? See Plugin Help for translation hints!
== Screenshots ==
1. Widget options
2. Tooltip mode
3. Admin interface
4. Order invoice example (Email)
5. QR code example
== Changelog ==
= 1.1 (03 November 2021)=
* Initial Release
== Demo ==
See <a href="https://goaskle.com/en/test-qr-code/">this blog entry</a> for a tooltip mode demo.
Move your mouse over the application links.
== Acknowledgements ==
It uses:
* <a href="http://code.google.com/intl/de/apis/chart/">Google Chart API</a> for online code creation
* Y. Swetakes <a href="http://www.swetake.com/qr/index-e.html">QR Code Library</a> for code offline creation
* <a href="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/tooltips/">Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin</a>
Tags: qr code, woocommerce, pos, pdf, email, receipt, invoice